Hỗ trợ dịch vụ trực tuyến

The aim of On-Line Support Center is to provide assistance to service engineers when problem arises during servicing of machines. The objective is to increase customer satisfaction, enhance our interactions with customer which would in turn improve organization morale.

The On-Line Support Center serve as a pivotal role in becoming a key strategic differentiator in mature markers through the deliverance of quality customer service.

Orchestra® Call Centre

As YMS is aware that customer’s waiting time and satisfaction is directly correlated, thus YMS uses “Orchestra ® Call Centre” to ensure that the agent’s work would be more productive and also to enhance the caller’s satisfaction.

The Orchestra ® Call Centre is designed to decrease call abandonment and increase call handling capacity, it is also designed to fully optimize the agent’s capability. This in turn, results in a higher quality of service and increased call handling capacity.